Woodpeckers - Year 4
In Year 4 the children learn about a range of subjects throughout the year that are divided into cross curricular topics. The yearly overview can be downloaded below; alternatively the information in the overview can be viewed on this page.
Time allocation |
Autumn Term |
Topic title |
A Viking Raid at The Gateway! |
Power it up! What’s that sound? |
Enquiry based hook/challenge |
Story of a Viking Raid |
Protect an alarm system to protect a Viking artefact |
Enrichment Trips, visitors and outdoor learning |
Viking Day at Kent Life |
Celebration and achievements |
A Viking Class display |
Apply learning to a problem-designing an alarm circuit |
Class texts |
A Camp to Hide King Alfred Viking Sagas and Norse myths The Saga of Bjorn
Varjak Paw by SF Said Sound collector by Roger McGough A range of non-fiction texts linked to electricity and sound
Writing |
Diary entry – Events at Lindisfarne Newsround report linked to the discovery at Sutton Hoo.
Setting description Poetry – the writer of this poem is… Instruction writing – creating an alarm |
Maths -Using and applying |
Number and place value Addition and subtraction Decimal fractions Measures – length Measures – money
Multiplication and division Shape, position and direction Statistics to solve problems Measures - time |
Scientific enquiry |
How vibrations change the pitch and volume of sound? How can electricity be used to protect an artefact? |
Computing |
Using forums and vlogging |
Using data loggers. Excel to enter data, processing information on Excel |
Geographical enquiry |
Map skills- where the Vikings came from and where they settled. |
History |
Why did the Vikings invade? Understand how Viking life changed society in England. |
Art & Design |
Viking Art and Rune stone writing. |
Design Technology |
Design and make a Viking artefact (broach) and protect it with an electric alarm system.
Music |
Violin Charanga – Mama Mia |
Violin Festive songs
French |
Presenting myself |
Family |
PE |
Games Swimming |
Dance Swimming |
Jigsaw – Being Me in my World |
Jigsaw – Celebrating Differences |
RE |
Judaism Beliefs and Practices |
Christianity Christmas |
Time allocation |
Spring Term |
Topic title |
The Troublesome Tudors |
How my body works |
States of matter and Racing Rivers |
Enquiry based hook/challenge |
Is everything true that you read about the Tudors? |
Why does it rain? |
Enrichment Trips, visitors and outdoor learning |
Manor House Dartford Library
A class visit to the River Darrent at Horton Kirby |
Celebration and achievements |
Create a class Tudor exhibition for parents |
Use ICT to display their information leaflets/ posters. |
Class texts |
My friend Walter by Michael Murpurgo The prince and the pauper |
Non-fiction texts about the body |
The rhythm of rain by Grahame Baker-Smith What on Earth by Roger MGough
Writing |
Non-chronological report Newspaper report on a key event in the Tudor Times Diary entry – daily life (prince and pauper) |
Non-chronological report Descriptive writing
Explanation texts Create an information leaflet/poster about Rivers around the world Poetry linked to landscapes |
Maths -Using and applying |
Decimals to solve problems Multiplication Division Shape, position and direction |
Use food packaging for calculating calories and data collection activities. |
Measure the flow of the River Darent - produce tables and bar charts. Fractions to solve problems Multiplication and division Shape, position and direction Statistics Measures - time |
Scientific enquiry |
How do humans digest their food? What are the organs called that helped to digest our food?
What are the 3 matters of state?
Investigate how the water cycle works |
Computing |
Refining algorithms, using Logo, improving algorithms and debugging |
Create graphs and tables for the number of calories in food. |
Use Scratch to create a quiz |
Geographical enquiry |
The location of Tudor Buildings in Dartford-The Priory |
Features of rivers and the surrounding area: Physical and human features of Horton Kirby Rivers around the world |
History |
Life in Tudor Dartford. Examining the evidence the Tudors behind. |
Art & Design |
Observational drawing of Tudor buildings. |
Design Technology |
Planning a Tudor feast- Is it healthy? |
Music |
Violin Charanga – Lean on Me! |
Violin Charanga – Blackbird |
Violin Charanga – Stop! |
French |
La Maison Tudor |
At the Cafe |
The Classroom |
PE |
Gymnastics Swimming |
Gymnastics Games |
Athletics Games |
Jigsaw- Dreams and Goals |
Jigsaw – Healthy Me |
Jigsaw - Relationships |
RE |
Judaism Passover |
Christianity Easter |
Judaism Rites of Passage and good works |
Time allocation |
>Summer Term |
Topic title |
Mountains and Lakes
Living Islands |
Enquiry based hook/challenge |
Where do lakes come from? |
Puffins Live! (Turn on the webcam!) |
Enrichment Trips, visitors and outdoor learning |
Guest speaker- experiences within the lake district |
Online discussions with an ecologist! |
Celebration and achievements |
A 3D display of the lake district and rivers. |
A Puffin Day! (Poetry and Art) |
Class texts |
Spiderwick Chronicles
Beatrix Potter stories.
The Nights of the Puffling by Bruce McMillian Neversink by BarryWolverton
Writing |
Setting description Persuasive writing (conservation vs tourism) Diary extract Fantasy story writing |
Kenning poem Fact file Non-chronological report Narrative |
Maths -Using and applying |
Number and place value Addition and subtraction Measures – money Measures – weight Fractions to solve problems |
Information about puffin numbers, frequency and location. Number and place value to solve problems Addition and subtraction too solve problems Measures – money Measures – capacity/volume |
Scientific enquiry |
Living Islands- project, habitats, food chains, Animal kingdoms, Adaptation. |
Computing |
Using Prezi to present information |
Predict the outcomes of programming in Scratch and the results from simple scripts |
Geographical enquiry |
Lake district: Contrasting UK locality. Identifying human and physical features, land use, tourism. The formation of lakes and mountains |
Living in a coastal environment. Comparing localities between the island and Dartford. |
History |
Investigate how the Lake District has changed over time. |
Art & Design |
Landscapes – Heaton Cooper: sketching, painting and pastels. |
Living Island-Puffin Art. |
Design Technology |
Create a free standing bridge to link the island to the main land |
Music |
Violin Charanga – Stop! |
Violin Charanga – Reflect, rewind and replay |
French |
The Classroom |
Goldilocks |
PE |
Athletics Games |
Athletics Games |
Jigsaw - Relationships |
Jigsaw – Changing Me |
RE |
Judaism Rites of Passage and good works |
Christianity Prayer and worship |
The topic areas are arranged to enable children to build on their prior learning from Key Stage One. The topics are carefully sequenced to ensure pupils continue to develop their knowledge and skills in a progressive, engaging way.
To find out more information about your child's termly topics please refer to the topic webs below: