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Assessment In the EYFS

Assessment, Recording and Monitoring

At The Gateway Primary Academy, we undertake assessment for learning throughout the EYFS. We analyse and review what we know about each child’s development and learning, and then make informed decisions about the individual child’s progress. This enables us to plan the next steps to meet their development and learning needs. All practitioners who interact with the child contribute to the assessment process.


Formative Assessment

This type of assessment informs everyday planning and is based on on-going observational assessment of each child’s achievements, interests and learning styles. Formative assessment may take the form of anecdotal observations, focused observations, September baseline assessment, other focused assessments e.g. sound/number, annotated examples of work, photographs, video and information from parents. Each child has an individual Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Profile folder in which this evidence is stored. We plan for observational assessment when undertaking our medium and short term planning.  Practitioners also use the Evidence Me app to record children’s achievement electronically.


Summative Assessment

The EYFS Profile summarises all of the formative assessment undertaken and makes statements about the child’s achievements against the Early Learning Goals at the end of the year. It is completed on-entry (baseline assessment) and at the end of each term by the class teacher. The teacher also undertakes in-house and local cluster group moderation.
