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Support for Parents

Support for Parents 


It is not always easy bringing up children with so many things to consider especially when you aren’t feeling right yourself. If you are feeling overwhelmed, worried or upset about something then please have a look through the details below because one of the contacts might be able to help you. You are always welcome to come and talk to us at school in a private and secure environment. We will always offer you a listening ear and try to direct you to other support networks that can provide you with the help you might need.  


Parent Support: 0808 800 2222 0808 802 6666 


Kent Adult Education for a range of parenting courses and other family courses: 


Healthy Living Centre: to improve health and wellbeing. 01322 311265 


KENT RESILLIENCE HUB: resources for young people, parents, carers to understand emotional and wellbeing resilience. 


SEN (Special Educational Needs) Support: 


Kent SEND local offer 


We Are Beams - 01322 668501 We Are Beams are here to support you with a wide range of services for the whole family. The disabled children and young people who access our services will typically have one or more learning difficulty, complex health needs, physical or sensory impairment, challenging behaviour, Autism or severe ADHD. 


IASK –+provide free, impartial and confidential information, advice and support about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) for children, young people up to age 25, parents and carers. +03000 41 3000 


Aspens: The Aspens Autism Central programme is a free service for families and Personal Assistants. They offer 1:1 appointments, workshops, virtual support, and home visits. A formal diagnosis is not required. 



Kent Young Carers: 

Phone 0300 111 1110 



Mental/Emotional wellbeing support: 


Children and Young people: – for parents and young people 


Young Minds - YoungMinds features a wealth of information on how best to support children through specific difficulties. You can also share details with parents as YoungMinds' website includes an online 'parent's lounge' discussing topics chosen by them, and a helpline for parents to get confidential, expert advice. 

Call the Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 (Monday to Friday 9.30am – 4pm, free for mobiles and landlines) – for parents and young people 


Adult mental health: 


Please go to your GP or Mental Health Team for help and advice if need help to cope emotionally. They can support in making referrals for counselling. 


North Kent Mind: 01322 291380 Email: Website: 


Vitaminds Kent: 0333 222 0710 


Talking Therapies/Insight – 0300 555 5555 


Mental Health Crisis Numbers: 


Call 116 123 (free) to talk to Samaritans 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 


Text "SHOUT" to 85258 to contact the Shout Crisis Text Line 


Debt/Budgeting Support: 


National Debt 0808 808 4000 0800 138 1111 


Money Advice Service 

0800 138 7777  
