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Subject Intents & Implementation



The Gateway Primary Academy


Curriculum Intent and Implementation

2021 - 2022


Curriculum Subject Intent and Implementation

Early Years Curriculum



Our young learners develop an understanding of the world and love of learning through a practical and play-based approach. An effective balance between child-led and adult-led learning demonstrates that the children’s interests are valid.  It allows the children to flourish and become confident, creative and independent learners with the necessary skills, dispositions and attitudes to successfully continue their learning journey into Year 1 and beyond.




The Early Years Curriculum is organised into termly topics covering the 7 areas of learning: Communication and Language, Physical Development, Personal Social and Emotional Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.

Topics are planned for each of the six terms and The Gateway uses the Development Matters guidance to ensure a balanced coverage, leading to the statutory assessment against the Early Learning Goals at the end of the year. On-going assessment of pupil’s progress is recorded using the Evidence Me App with outcomes used to adapt teaching and plan next steps in learning.

Pupils learn through a balance of child-led and adult directed activities in an inside and outdoor learning environment carefully designed to enable every child to succeed.  We aim to make it a place where children feel secure and confident, can explore, investigate and learn through first-hand experience and are challenged to develop their independence.

Parents and carers are encouraged to be involved in and support their child’s ongoing learning and development.


English – Reading



At The Gateway we aim for all our pupils to become fluent, confident readers with a good understanding of a wide range of literature. A love of reading is central to our culture at The Gateway and our aim is to create learners with a life-long passion for reading. Our approach for the teaching of reading provides our children with the opportunity to read widely and our resources enable all our pupils to experience a wide range of texts (fiction, non-fiction and poetry). We recognise that vocabulary is a key part of reading and this is explicitly taught throughout our reading curriculum.   




Phonics is taught daily in EYFS and KS1 using Letters and Sounds supported by a range of practical and online resources including Phonics Play. Pupils are taught to recognise, blend and segment sounds for reading and spelling.

Reading is taught daily in every year group and is supported by regular reading at home. Workshops are held to provide additional support and guidance to parents.

Our daily reading sessions ensure pupils are immersed in a wide range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. They read independently for pleasure and in teacher directed guided reading small groups to develop fluency and comprehension skills. Books are carefully graded (book bands) to ensure a clear progression of skills and appropriate challenge. Class texts are linked to cross curricular topics to ensure reading is embedded across the curriculum. Our library has a range of non-fiction books to promote reading and research across the curriculum. Book themed weeks are held to come together as a community to celebrate reading.


English –Writing


Through our teaching and learning of writing, pupils develop the skills to become creative, individual and fluent writers with the ability to write clearly and coherently for a range of purposes and audiences across the curriculum and beyond.




A balance of spelling, editing, handwriting, grammar and punctuation skills are taught directly through daily English lessons. Pupils then apply their skills through motivating and creative writing tasks covering a wide range of genres over the year/school. Writing tasks are frequently linked to cross curricular topics and texts to ensure pupils can apply their skills in a range of contexts. Good examples are shared with children and modelling displays high expectations. Magpie walls are used regularly to support children with developing a range of ambitious and interesting vocabulary to use in their writing linked to their reading. Children are inspired to write through the use of a range of media to engage all learners. Pupils are encouraged to express their individuality through their writing and given opportunities to present their writing to others.

Handwriting is taught from Reception using a pre-cursive style, joining letters from Year 1. Pupils have regular opportunities to practise handwriting skills throughout the week to develop a clear, fluent style.


English – Spoken Language



Our curriculum recognises the importance of spoken language in pupil’s learning right across the curriculum. We ensure pupils have every opportunity to acquire and use a wide vocabulary, and the skills to communicate their thinking and understanding to a range of audiences.



Our lessons are structured to ensure speaking and listening is at the heart of learning. Pupils frequently communicate their ideas, views and opinions in paired, group and class discussions. Children are taught what it means to be a good listener and develop their understanding of how to listen respectfully and politely to others. Carefully planned for subject specific vocabulary is taught through our topics and pupils take part in debates and presentations to hone their communication skills. Children are encouraged to develop their responses through careful questioning from the teachers and children are taught to follow on from each others’ ideas. Children develop their questioning across the curriculum, for example understanding how to ask varied scientific questions showing curiosity using a range of vocabulary.







Through our Maths teaching, we aim for all of our pupils to become fluent in the key concepts of Maths. Also, we aim for our pupils to develop their Mathematical reasoning by recognising relationships, making generalisations and proving their thinking using Mathematical vocabulary which is carefully planned from one year group to another. Our curriculum allows children to better make sense of the world around them by making connections between mathematics and everyday life. In addition to this, we aim to give our pupils the confidence to solve Mathematical problems using a range of strategies.  We aim to ensure that mathematics is a high-profile subject which children view positively.




A concrete, pictorial, abstract approach provides children with a clear structure in which they can develop their depth of understanding of mathematical concepts. Discussion is essential to learning and children are encouraged to discuss their thoughts, ideas and methods with a partner, group or the teacher. Task types are varied to suit different pupils and their learning preferences; developing reasoning remains one of our key focuses. Vocabulary is carefully planned from one year group to another to ensure a progressive approach. Mathematical knowledge and skills are embedded across the curriculum to promote mathematical understanding.  Investigative tasks are designed to allow pupils to follow lines of enquiry and develop their own ideas, justifying and proving their answers. Children work both collaboratively and independently when solving problems which require them to persevere and develop resilience. Through our topic-based curriculum, we apply maths in other subjects, such as: science, geography and history to ensure our pupils see the important real-life contexts of Maths learning. Workshops are held to provide additional support and guidance to parents.




Through our curriculum pupils are immersed in the world of scientific discovery, building on their natural curiosity and awe of the natural world. Pupils develop the skills of scientific enquiry, questioning, investigating and build an understanding of the world around them. They learn to appreciate the work of famous scientists and the role they play in today’s world.




Using an investigational approach to learning the strands of physics, biology and chemistry, our science curriculum is delivered through topics with links to other STEM subjects e.g. maths and DT. As scientists, pupils are taught to question, observe, classify, predict, create a fair test and analyse outcomes through a variety of practical investigations linked to topics ensuring science learning is meaningful and engaging. Pupils learn key scientific terminology to be able to explain processes and outcomes accurately and through a range of scientific inquiry e.g. observation over time, pattern seeking.

Design and Technology



Through our curriculum pupils develop the knowledge and skills to be able to evaluate, design and build creative, imaginative products for a range of uses. They gain an understanding of the impact that past and present inventors, engineers and designers have on our lives today and the role design and technology has in our modern world.



Design and technology is taught through our cross curricular topics that link maths, science, computing, engineering and art. Pupils develop key skills and explore their ideas through design and build projects using a range of media including food technology.

Pupils have the opportunity to experience design and technology in real life contexts through a TASC approach where the children have the opportunity to learn how to select the equipment / tools they need to complete a design.




Through our curriculum, pupils acquire knowledge of how systems work and the principles of simple computer science. They develop the ability to be confident, competent and creative users of information and communication technology and develop the fundamental skills to enable them to participate successfully and safely in a modern, digital world.




Pupils develop knowledge and skills in computer science and online safety through a combination of discrete lessons and cross-curricular tasks used to contextualise these skills.  We recognise that online safety is an integral part of children’s lives, which we promote in all curriculum areas both inside and out of school. Our learners gain an understanding of the role computing plays in the modern world through its immersion in other subjects and topics. Pupils are taught how systems work, the principles of programming, exploring and writing algorithms. They are taught to use analytical and problem-solving skills to create and debug programmes using resources such as Beebots and Pro-bots. Pupils have daily access to computers and laptops and a range of digital learning tools such as tablets and data loggers to support their learning in the wider curriculum.




Our history curriculum develops our learners’ knowledge of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. It aims to inspire pupil’s curiosity and provide our learners with an understanding of cultural diversity and how past events have shaped the world we know today. As Historians, pupils acquire the skills to ask questions, interpret sources and use evidence to make historical claims.




Our history curriculum is delivered through topics with links to other subjects such as art, music, English and geography. Local history plays a key part in the curriculum design ensuring pupils develop knowledge of historical change and significance of their own locality.

Pupils study key aspects of National History including Roman and Viking Invaders, Victorians, WW2 and significant periods in world history such as the Greeks and Egyptians through common themes. Pupils learn Historical enquiry skills to be able to gain knowledge of the past, critically evaluate sources of evidence such as artefacts and understand the process of change over time. They develop an understanding of the influence of key events and historical figures on our locality and the wider world in the present day.




Our geography curriculum is designed to develop our learners’ knowledge of the diversity of people and places in the global world around them and an understanding of environmental relationships and issues. It instils in our learners a curiosity and fascination about the world around them and the ability to study and care for future sustainability. Children learn to be future geographers by developing geographical study and research skills and the ability to analyse and communicate their findings using subject specific vocabulary.




Through our geography topics pupils study the physical and human features of the UK and world locations in comparison to their own location. They are taught geographical enquiry skills including map reading, interpreting sources, photographs and diagrams utilising the school environment to bring them to life. Children are taught about societies impact on the world around them and how they can make positive changes. Technology is used to bring the study of places alive through the experience of film, Google Earth and electronic mapping. Offsite visits enable pupils to develop fieldwork skills and experience geography first hand.

Links to other subjects enable pupils to express their knowledge through art, writing and drama.

Art and Design



Our art and design curriculum allows our children to recognise and celebrate their own individuality and stimulates their creativity and imagination. We ensure that a broad range of art is taught that is relevant and inspiring. Children gain a knowledge and appreciation of the work of famous artists and designers. As artists, pupils are given the opportunity to use a wide range of media and build on their techniques year on year.




Art and design is taught within our cross curricular topics giving pupils the opportunity to develop proficiency in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art and craft techniques. Pupils explore ideas, develop techniques and produce creative arts and craft work using a range of media. They develop the skills to analyse and evaluate their own and other’s work.

Through our art topics pupils explore the work of famous artists and designers and learn to appreciate how art is created and presented in different cultures. Through links to our curriculum pupils begin to gain an understanding of the historical, cultural and religious importance of art.





Our Music curriculum provides the opportunity for our pupils to engage creatively with music, gain knowledge of how music is created, develop a love of music and develop their talents as musicians and composers.




Music is taught as a discrete subject using specialist providers to deliver weekly lessons in KS1 and KS2.  Pupils gain knowledge of how music is created including technical terminology and develop skills in composing and performing using percussion instruments in the Early Years and KS1 progressing to learning instruments such as the recorder, violin and ukulele from Year 3.  Singing is at the heart of our Music offer throughout the school including additional specialist vocal tuition in Year 5 as part of the DASCo Choral Project.

Within our topics pupils also have the opportunity to listen and appraise music using subject specific language and learn about composers, styles, traditions across historical periods and from different cultural backgrounds.


Religious Education



Our RE curriculum enables children to develop their own identity, their sense of belonging and connection to the global community. Pupils develop their knowledge and understanding of the world’s faiths and beliefs, make relevant links to their own experiences and reflect on their own personal beliefs, traditions and values.




Our RE curriculum is delivered using the Discovery RE scheme of work. Pupils study the main world religions; Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and Hinduism. The scheme of work focuses on learning about religion and learning from religion. It promotes a thought provoking and an enquiry-based approach to RE. Lessons take the form of discussions and debates, reflection and recording of knowledge, thoughts and views. Pupils learn how to be global citizens through religious stories. They also acquire knowledge of special places, practices, festivals and the role of key figures.

Physical Education



Through our PE curriculum pupils are able to develop the skills and competences to take part in a wide range of competitive sports and activities, build their confidence and sporting talents and lead healthy, active lifestyles.

PE lessons and sporting opportunities ensure children develop personal characteristics such as resilience, collaboration, fairness and respect.






Pupils have at least 2 hours PE a week through lessons in games, gymnastics, dance and athletics. Pupils develop the skills and tactics to play competitive sports such as football, rounders, netball, handball and hockey and in Year 4 pupils attend swimming lessons. All children have the opportunity to express themselves through dance and generate gymnastic routines individually and co-operatively.

Activities during playtimes also support Physical Fitness and provide opportunities for pupils to play active games such as handball and basketball. Upper KS2 pupils act as Play Leaders on the KS1 playground to encourage fitness and active play in our younger children and share the knowledge from their own PE lessons.

Pupils can access further sporting opportunities through our after school clubs.

The school organises an Annual Sports Day for KS1 and KS2 as well as a ‘challenge yourself’ sports morning for KS2 pupils to demonstrate their improved fitness in a range of athletic events and to develop their understanding of ‘personal bests’.

The school plays a full part in sporting competitions giving pupils of all abilities and ages the opportunity to represent the school in local and regional competitions.



PSHE/ Relationships and Health Education



Our PSHE curriculum ensures children develop the knowledge and understanding of how to keep mentally and physically healthy. It develops learners who are emotionally resilient and have the skills to deal with changes and challenges in their lives. It aims to build children’s understanding of themselves and others in their immediate community and develop the skills to secure and maintain healthy relationships with others both in real life and when interacting online. It gives children the opportunity to set themselves goals and aspirations and become confident members of a multicultural society.




Relationships and health education is taught through our personal, social, health education curriculum. The children are taught PSHE through a spiral approach with 6 key themes running throughout and being revisited in each year group: Being Me in My World, Celebrating Differences, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. Our PSHE curriculum is enhanced through visitors and links with external agencies e.g. NSPCC and their Speak Out, Stay Safe. PSHE is taught through a discussion based approach with the children understanding that it is important to share their views and emotions in a safe, secure environment. Learning and discussion is recorded in Jigsaw Journals across the school.


Safeguarding including online safety, SMSC and British Values are embedded throughout the programme and within our assemblies.


Modern Foreign Languages



Our French curriculum aims to develop learners who have an enthusiastic, positive attitude to learning other languages. We aim to develop life-long language learners in order to enhance their understanding of the world and have the ability to communicate confidently with others.




In KS1 pupils are informally introduced to other languages through for example, daily greetings and counting. As a multicultural school young children also have the opportunity to gain experience of other languages through their peers. 

In KS2 French is formally taught in a weekly lesson covering a range of day to day and cross curricular topics pupils learn to understand spoken and written French and communicate in French with increasing confidence and fluency.

Pupils explore other languages through the wider curriculum and by promoting cultural diversity within school.


Theme Days / Weeks



We include theme days/weeks in our curriculum to immerse pupils in a topical theme which is relevant to pupils, for example World Book Week or Health and Wellbeing Week. This enables our pupils to use and apply the knowledge and skills from other subject areas to enhance the learning experience. As a school, we aim to bring the school community together under one theme during this time.




Staff work together to plan experiences that are fun and enjoyable for pupils capitalising on their interests and preferred learning styles. The pupils complete work which combines knowledge and skills from a range of curriculum areas. Opportunities for pupils to share knowledge, thoughts and experiences with each other and sharing outcomes with stakeholders and the wider community.



