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Special Educational Needs

Welcome to the Special Educational Needs and Disability page


Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo)* is Mrs Watson who works Tuesday to Thursday. She can be contacted by telephoning the school on: 01322 220090 or via e-mail: Please contact Mrs Watson to discuss any queries or concerns you may have about your child's learning. 


*Please note: the SENCo has responsibility for the day to day management of SEND across the school and the maintenance of the SEN register. She works alongside staff and pupils to support the effective delivery of SEND provision. The SENCo liaises with parents and relevant outside agencies.


If you have any further concerns or queries about your child's learning please contact Mr Cassem (the Headteacher) on 01322 220090 or via the school e-mail


Please read the information below about how we support children with SEND at The Gateway and how we will work with you, as parents, to promote the best possible outcomes for your child both personally and academically. 


This information report sets out the aims, principles, strategies and provision for children at The Gateway Primary Academy with Special Educational Needs and Disability. 

What kinds of SEND does the school make provision for? 

We refer to the term ‘Special Educational Needs’ if a child:  

a) Has significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of his or her age in one or more areas of learning.  


b) Has a disability which either prevents or hinders him or her from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided in schools for children of a similar age.  


The kinds of special educational needs for which provision is made at school are:  

· Communication and interaction  

· Cognition and learning  

· Social, emotional and mental health difficulties  

· Sensory and/or physical needs 

How do we Identify and Assess pupils with SEND? 

At The Gateway Primary Academy, we promote a graduated approach to identifying, assessing and providing for pupils’ special educational needs. Should your child have difficulties you will be invited to discuss these with the teacher prior to a period of intervention. Your views will be sought and a plan of action will be made. Following the intervention, we will review your child’s progress together and decide whether further intervention is required. 


If after two cycles of intervention and review, your child has still not made expected progress, we will discuss whether he or she should be placed on the SEN register. Once placed on the register your child’s progress will be monitored closely by the SENCo who will ensure that appropriate provision is in place as long as required. 


We are also able to use The Engagement Model to assess children who are working below the standard of national curriculum assessments and not engaged in subject-specific study.  We can assess them against the 5 areas of The Engagement Model which are exploration, realisation, anticipation, persistence, initiation.  


What provision is made for pupils with SEND? 

In our school the majority of pupils have their learning needs met by lessons that are appropriately differentiated. The curriculum is adapted, and a range of resources are provided by the school, where appropriate, to enable the child to engage in learning. 


Some children may require educational provision that is additional to and different from the majority of other children. The school adopts a carefully planned approach to support provision which may include: 

 · Additional support in class  

· Intervention programmes  

· 1:1 personalised learning programmes  

· Making reasonable adjustments within the physical environment  

· Behaviour management strategies 

How do we enable pupils with SEND to engage in the activities of the school? 

Pupils are encouraged to participate fully in the learning process at all levels. They are encouraged to:  

· Participate fully in the life of the school 

· Behave in a responsible and respectful way within a learning context  

· Evaluate their own learning and voice their suggestions as to how the teachers can help them to learn better  

· Comment on how they feel they are progressing when provision is evaluated 

What support is available for pupils with emotional, mental health and social needs? 

We provide a range of strategies and support for pupils with emotional, mental health difficulties and social needs for example:  

Social skills programmes 

Playground support  

Reward systems  


Referrals to outside agencies including CAMHS, NELFT, School Health 


How does the school evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for SEND? 

The SENCo works alongside the class teacher to evaluate the effectiveness of the support and interventions in place for each pupil and their impact on pupils’ progress. Pupils’ progress and development are discussed and reviewed at formal pupil progress meetings and any changes to the support provided are made in consultation with parents and pupils.  


The overall effectiveness of the SEND provision is evaluated termly, and reported to and reviewed annually by the Board of Governors. 


The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) is Mrs J Watson and she can be contacted by telephoning the school on: 01322 220090 or via e-mail: 


The SENCo has responsibility for the day-to-day management of SEND across the school and the maintenance of the SEN register. She works alongside staff and pupils to support the effective delivery of SEND provision. The SENCo liaises with parents and relevant outside agencies. 


The Headteacher can be contacted on 01322 220090 or via the school e-mail

Support Staff 

Support Staff Teaching assistants promote the inclusion of all children in all aspects of life at school, in liaison with the class teacher and inclusion manager. They attend relevant training sessions appropriate to the pupil’s needs. Within the school we have Teaching Assistants who have gained specialist knowledge to support pupils in the areas of ASD, Sensory processing, ADHD, working memory, Mental Health, Speech and Language and specific learning difficulties including Dyslexia. 

Consulting and Involving Parents 

The partnership between parents and school will play a key role in promoting a culture of positive expectation for pupils with SEND. Parent partnership is encouraged through parent consultations, SEND reviews and informal discussions. We create positive links with our parents by operating an ‘Open Door’ policy. Pupils and parents are at the heart of decision-making, ensuring high quality individual education pathways are carefully planned around the specific needs of the child. 

Consulting Pupils 

Pupils are involved in the learning process at all levels. Through thorough marking, using feedback and response, they are aware of their targets and know what they have to do to improve. Support is tailored to their individual needs. Pupils are invited to comment regarding their provision. 

Complaints Procedure 

If you have any complaints about your child’s SEND provision you will need to initially talk it over with your child’s class teacher and/or the SENCo. If you are not satisfied that your complaint has been dealt with by this early discussion, you can then refer your complaint to the Headteacher through the formal complaints procedure. A copy of the procedure is available on the school website. 

External Services 

When a child is demonstrating further cause for concern or their learning need is more complex and persistent than can be met by the school interventions already put in place, the school will engage with relevant external services.  

This is triggered when:  

· A child continues not to make expected progress  

· Has emotional or behavioural difficulties which substantially or regularly interfere with the child’s own learning or that of the other learners  

· Has sensory or physical needs and requires additional specialist equipment or requires regular advice or visits by a specialist service  

· Has on-going communication or interaction difficulties that impede the development of social relationships and cause substantial barriers to learning  

A request for support from external services is likely to follow a decision taken jointly by school staff in consultation with parents. Parental permission is required for the school to share information with external services. 

Statutory Assessment: Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) 

When a child is demonstrating a significant cause for concern or their learning need is more complex and persistent than can be met by the current interventions in the school, the school in conjunction with parents may, after gaining approval from the Local Inclusion Forum Team, submit a request to the Local Authority for an EHC needs assessment. The Local Authority will decide whether to conduct an EHC assessment and will notify the parents and the school, within 6 weeks of their decision.  


If the Local Authority agrees to conduct an EHC assessment they will gather advice from relevant professionals, including education, health and social care. If the Local Authority then agrees that the child’s needs require an EHC plan, it will send a draft plan to the parents and the school for consultation before a final EHC plan is issued.  


The maximum time for the whole process to be completed is 20 weeks from submitting the request. The purpose of the EHC plan is to ensure provision is in place to meet the needs of the child or young person, to secure the best possible outcomes for them across education, health and social care, and as they get older, prepare them for adulthood. The EHC plan incorporates all information about the child from birth to 25. EHC plans are subject to annual review which will include the views of the child or young person and their parents about their progress. Further reviews can be arranged at any time should significant concerns arise. 

Transition Arrangements 

We have excellent links with our local nurseries/pre-schools and secondary schools. Staff from the schools which our pupils are transferring from or to meet with relevant agencies.  The SENCo is also available to meet with any parent of a new child joining the school at the transition events held in Term 6. The EYFS lead and SENCo also visit nurseries and provide social stories to read to children about their new school. This enables staff to be made aware of the needs of the pupils and can make adequate arrangements in readiness for the transition. The SENCo attends the annual transition meeting to meet with key staff from our local nurseries to discuss outside agency involvement and strategies for any children already identified as having additional needs. 

The Local Authority’s Local Offer 

The Local Offer sets out information about services and provision available from the Local Authority to support children and young people with SEND across Education, Health and Social Care, including those who do not have Education and Health Care Plans (EHCs). 


Kent’s local offer is published on and parents without internet access should make an appointment with the SENCo for support to gain the information they require. 

Support and Information for Parents 

Information, Advice and Support Kent (IASK) support families of children and young people (0 – 25 years) with special educational needs or disabilities. Their aim is to empower parents to make informed choices about their children's education and communicate confidently. Their advice and support is confidential, impartial and independent from the council.  



HELPLINE: 03000 41 3000  

Office: 0300 412 412  



BEAMS aim to support the whole family through a range of services that directly benefit and assist those dealing with the challenges of raising a disabled child. 

Website: We Are Beams | Supporting Disabled Children and Young People 

Phone number: 01322 668501 



Mainstream Core Standards Information for Parents - (last update 2021)
