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Primary Academy

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School Priorities

At The Gateway we are always striving to provide the best education that we possibly can. We know that by working with all the school community we can achieve our key priorities for the coming years.


As with all schools, we have been impacted by the pandemic and our school development plan for 2021 – 2023 reflects the return to normal as we work together to mitigate the long-term impact of COVID 19.


Below is a summary of our current priorities:


Key Priority 1: QUALITY OF EDUCATION       

1.1 To maintain the high standards of achievement for all children.

1.2 To refine strategies for SEN pupils to ensure they make as much progress as all pupils nationally.  

1.3 To strengthen deeper learning in the foundation subjects by continuing to make links between themes and topics. 

1.4 Children to use problem solving and reasoning to strengthen their understanding in maths.  


Key Priority 2: PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT                             

2.1 To strengthen the well-being of staff, pupils and parents.



3.1 To ensure new middle leaders are rigorously monitoring teaching and learning in the foundation subjects.

3.2 To continue to train and upskill new Governors in the monitoring and evaluation process. 


Key Priority 4: Early Years Foundation Stage 

4.1 To ensure all children make good progress from their starting points towards a good level of development at the end of the early years 

4.2 To ensure new statutory guidance (September 2021) is implemented across all areas of learning, with a focus on enhancing language for learning.    
