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The Gateway

Primary Academy

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At The Gateway, we recognise that a ‘high quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music’. We have chosen to use the ‘Charanga’ a music scheme supported by Kent Interactive Music alongside whole class ukulele and violin teaching in KS2. This ensures that all of our pupils access the music curriculum in a progressive, creative and cross-curricular approach across the school.

We also offer individual piano lessons from Year 3 upwards. Please contact the school office from more information about the cost of these lessons and to register your interest if you wish your child to attend. 


Our Music curriculum provides the opportunity for our pupils to engage creatively with music, gain knowledge of how music is created, develop a love of music and develop their talents as musicians and composers.




Music is taught as a discrete subject using specialist providers to deliver weekly lessons in KS1 and KS2.  Pupils gain knowledge of how music is created including technical terminology and develop skills in composing and performing using percussion instruments in the Early Years and KS1 progressing to learning instruments such as the recorder, violin and ukulele from Year 3.  Singing is at the heart of our Music offer throughout the school including additional specialist vocal tuition in Year 5 as part of the DASCo Choral Project.


Within our topics pupils also have the opportunity to listen and appraise music using subject specific language and learn about composers, styles, traditions across historical periods and from different cultural backgrounds.

National Curriculum

Our music curriculum fulfils the following aims from the National Curriculum:

  • Perform, listen to and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians.
  • Learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical excellence
  • Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.


Our music curriculum, introduces our pupils to a range of famous musicians from different backgrounds and from different historical periods. We also celebrate different musicians during whole school collective worship and encourage pupils to research them as a part of their home learning. Our music teaching aims to give pupils an understanding of the different periods of music (see History of music poster below). All of our music sessions, start with the children appraising a piece of music and they are encouraged to use accurate, musical vocabulary.

For more information about the musical vocabulary your child will be taught across the school, please refer to the documents below:

How will your child be introduced to music in the early years?

Children in EYFS are introduced to music appreciation and simple musical vocabulary. During their whole class teaching, they develop their understanding of timing and working collaboratively. They also use their music sessions to develop their listening skills. Music is promoted in the learning environment by providing children with instruments and the opportunities to practice the skills learnt in music sessions.  Children develop the use of imagination and expression and communication of ideas and feelings through movement, song and musical instruments and are encouraged to express their feelings and preferences in response to music and make some comparisons and links between different pieces.

For more detailed information about the progression in knowledge and skills in Music in our curriculum and what your child will be taught in each year group, please refer to the document below. 

Music Across the School:

