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If you have any Safeguarding concerns, our Designated Safeguarding Lead will be available during school hours (8.45 am – 3.30 pm). Please contact us on headteacher should you need to speak to anyone.
Outside of school hours any Child Protection and Safeguarding concerns should be reported to the Kent Social Care and Health ‘Front Door’ – 03000 411111 (outside office hours 03000 419191) and/or the Police on 101/999. 

Coronavirus: Supporting Children’s Well-being

We have collated some information to help families support children's well-being in relation to the Coronavirus and their return to school on March 8th.


Return to school tips:


  • Talk to your child about how they are feelingAbout going back to school and try not to make assumptions.  Ask them if they are worried or feel scared about anything, but also if they are excited about or looking forward to something.  No matter how your child feels, let them know that it is completely normal to feel a mixture of emotions and that everyone will be in the same boat.
  • Reassure your child.  During the lockdown we have been told to stay at home, remain socially distant from others and wash our hands regularly.  This means children may find it difficult to go back to school because it will be a huge change from what they have been asked to do during the pandemic.  Talk with your child about ways they can stay safe at school, such as washing their hands before and after eating, and reassure them that the school are putting measure in place to keep them safe.
  • Re-establish a routine to help ease into school life.  During lockdown it is understandable that your family’s routine may have changed.  Children are likely to have been waking up later or going to bed later.  To help them get ready for school, try to gradually get them back into their usual morning and bedtime routines as they get closer to their return date.
  • Don’t put pressure on yourself.  The transition back into school is likely to take some time.  Lots of children will experience ups and downs.  Try your best to support, reassure and comfort them, without putting pressure on yourself to make sure their homework is done or they settle into a new routine straightaway.
  • Think ahead.  As well as reflecting on what has happened during the past few weeks, it is important to help children develop hope and a sense of excitement for the future.  At a time like this, it can be hard to feel positive, but identifying the things that they can look forward to will help them to realise that the current situation won’t last forever and their feelings will change.


Some useful links:

NHS advice:
Talking to children about Coronavirus
How to talk to your child about coronavirus, by Unicef:
Child-friendly explanation of Coronavirus for Primary age students:
Information video on Coronavirus for Primary age children (KS2), by Brainpop:
Information video on Coronavirus for older children/adults, by WHO:
Your wellbeing
Coronavirus and your wellbeing, by Mind UK:
5 ways to wellbeing, by Mindkit:

Supporting children's wellbeing


There are a huge range of resources available to support us all and help us when we are finding things in our lives a bit more challenging than normal.


These are some of the most useful resources we have found and on the websites listed there are many more that are free to use anytime.



Free Resources Archives - ELSA Support (

Parents and carers (

Parents and carers - Kent Resilience Hub

HOME | CAMHS Resources (

Every Mind Matters | One You (

The Family Hub - Fegans

Coronavirus: wellbeing activity ideas for families (




