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Assessment in KS2

Assessment in KS2

In KS2, we continue to use daily lesson by lesson formative assessment to assess our pupils' knowledge. We recognise as a school that immediate, personalised feedback is one of the key factors which contributes to our pupils' good progress. We also complete summative assessments over the year to inform our teacher assessments in reading, maths and spelling, punctuation and grammar. 


Assessment in Reading

Alongside, teacher assessments made during weekly guided reading sessions and weekly comprehension lessons from Year 3 to 6, we complete 2 summative assessments (one in Term 3 and one in Term 6). In Year 6, this takes the form of the national SATs (Statutory Assessment Tests). The results of these assessments will be shared with you throughout the year during parents meetings and in reports. 


Assessment in SPAG

The children in KS2 complete weekly spelling tests assessing their knowledge of the spelling patterns covered in class. The class teachers will use these tests to identify children who would benefit from additional support in spelling. The children will also complete 2 summative spelling, punctuation and grammar tests (one in Term 3, one in Term 6). 


Assessment in Writing

The children's writing is assessed on an ongoing basis using our 'Writing Target Cards'. These target cards are closely matched to the National Curriculum for each year group and set targets for 'emerging', 'expected' and 'exceeding' standards in writing. Your child's class teacher will complete these regularly over the year and use them to set next steps for your child in their writing. Targets for your child's writing will be shared with you throughout the year. Writing in Year 6 will be assessed against the Year 6 'Interim Framework'. All of our writing judgements are moderated with other schools. 


Assessment in Maths

Alongside assessing our pupils' maths on an ongoing basis, we complete monthly times table challenges and the children are always work very hard to improve their scores! These inform the class teachers which children would benefit from more support and which times tables may need more focus as a class or as a group. Children in KS2 also complete 2 summative assessments a year which assess the children's maths learning over the full range of topics covered and help us identify next steps for the children's learning. 

At the end of Year 4, children will complete the National 'Multiplication Check'. During this check, children will be expected to display a rapid recall of the times tables up to 12 x 12 and complete a short 'test' on the computer displaying their knowledge. 


NVR, VR and SR tests

In Year 4 and 5 during Term 4, the children will complete non-verbal reasoning, verbal reasoning and spatial reasoning papers. The results from these papers will be shared with you during parents meetings. 
