Term 1 - Around The World.
This term, Kestrels have taken a trip around the world, immersing themselves in the different countries, continents and features around the world. Kestrels have learnt about the physical and human features that exist in these different countries, how the world is divided, investigated how longitude and latitude is used and produced their own persuasive brochure, applying their knowledge by encouraging their audience to travel to one of their cities.
Tornado Art
During our 'Around The World' Topic, Kestrels had the opportunity to learn about extreme weathers, we then applied this to an informative piece of non-fiction writing, where they researched and produced a non-chronological report all about their chosen 'extreme weather'. Alongside this, Kestrels had the opportunity to create their own tornado art, blending different colours and using different shading patterns to produce a creative effect. Look at their artwork below:
3D models - Home Learning Celebration
Kestrels were tasked with a home learning project to create a 3D model of the world. They got very creative using a range of equipment to design their models. Have a look at some of their work here:
Baking Bread
Kestrels had the opportunity to research different breads from around the world and then experiment with making their own bread. They showed great teamwork and ended up with some delicious breads. Well done Kestrels!