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Children's Mental Health Week

Children's Mental Health Week

Monday 7th - Friday 11th February



This week we learned all about how to 'Grow Together' by following the theme of Children's Mental Health week.  The children took part in some whole school assemblies at the beginning of the week and then had the opportunity to think about how they and others had grown.


In Swans, the children thought about the ways they had grown since joining school, they all recognised something they had worked hard to get better at and were proud of.  These were turned into colourful footprints to add to their Jigsaw piece in their classroom.  The children also spent lots of time exploring all the different emotions they might feel now and as they get older.


In Herons, the children thought carefully about different times they had been successful and what had helped them to be successful.  These were turned into stunning scrolls that have been presented in their own class treasure chest so they can add to it anytime they feel proud of something new!


In Kingfishers, the children had great circle time where they shared their successes and helped their friends to think of successes they had had aswell.  They then thought about what skills they needed to help them be successful or who might have helped them.  These were also turned into a beautiful set of scrolls for the children to look back on and remember how hard they have worked.


In Swallows, the children spent time creating an amazing class book all about inspirational figures from all around the world.  They researched all about their chosen famous figure and found out about all of the challenges they had overcome to grow and become successful in a variety of different ways.


In Woodpeckers, the children painted creative watercolour pictures of themselves achieving a goal they are working towards.  They then thought about the different steps they would need to take to reach their goal.  


In Kestrels. the children worked in groups to create 'How to...' booklets to encourage and inspire others to real their goals and dreams and overcome obstacles in their way.  These included aspirational quotes,  ways to have a positive growth mind set and how to think about 'What you can't do yet...'.


In Eagles, the children used this week to start thinking about the next part of their school journey as they get ready to start their different Secondary schools in the very near future.  They explored all of the ways they can make sure they are ready to join their new schools, and all of the ways they can help each other overcome any worries they may have.  They presented this in a variety of ways and made some excellent suggestions of how to have the best start to Secondary School.

All of the work the children had created was then brought along to our Sharing Assemblies where we got to see and hear all about what each class had been learning and how it was helping them to look after their own and others mental health.  We also got to see some great examples of homework that the children had brought into school over the week.


The KS2 assembly finished with a fantastic performance of a poem written and performed by the children in Poetry Club to celebrate the end of Children's Mental Health Week.
