Please remember our home learning is always due in every other Thursday and will be sent back out the next day. For more information on home learning please visit our school home learning section under the children tab at the top.
The children change their books on a daily basis. Please ensure they bring a water bottle into school for fruit and drinks time after play time. Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday - please ensure your child is dressed in their PE kit with their school jumper on our PE day.
Thank you!
This term our topic has a geography, history and science focus. We will be looking at the different animals that live at the seaside. We will be comparing the similarity and differences of the seaside from from the past compared to today. We will also be using geographical vocabulary to describe the physical features of the seaside.
Our English writing will be linked to our topic: writing stories, letters, factual texts and character descriptions.
Our story books for this term:
Herons had a great day at Sea Life Adventure. The purpose of the trip was to have a hand on experience of sea life, linked to our topic, 'Summer at the Seaside'. Whilst on our trip we got to see a variety of sea life animals and learn some facts about them too. Then after lunch we explored the beach, collecting a variety of different shells, sea weed and we even saw a fish skeleton and a crab shell.
This term our computing topic has been about Data Handling. We learnt what data is, how to represent data using practical resources and using technology and how to collect data.
The whole school were given the challenge of designing a wildlife area for our school. Herons first looked at the area that we would be designing, then we learnt what a wildlife area needs and how to attract wildlife into the school. We then designed our wildlife area and made 3D models and computer designs of our original designs. We had a lot of fun designing and making models of the wildlife area.
For science this term we have been learning to identify trees in our school environment by looking our their leaves. We also learned to name and identify the features on a tree and a plant. Using the key vocabulary: roots, stem, leave, flowers, bark, trunk, branches and crown.
In Maths we leant what capacity and volume is. We practically explored capacity and volume. We learnt the key vocabulary: capacity, volume, empty, nearly empty, half full, nearly full and full.
In English we have been reading the story Rainbow Fish. We then created our own story of the Rainbow Fish, by changing the main character. Linked to this story we learnt a new D&T skill, weaving paper. We first explored weaving different paper and thread before creating our Rainbow Fish.
During term five our focus for this term will be a geography and science focus. We will be learning all about animals from all around the world. We will be locating where animals come from on a world map, identifying if they live in a hot or cold climate and sorting animals in to their animal groups (bird, fish, mammal, reptile and amphibians).
Our English writing will be linked to our topic: writing animal riddles, character descriptions, stories, letters and a poem. Our art and D&T for this term will also be linked to our topic, we will be creating animal sunset silhouette paintings and a 3D model of a zoo.
We started the term by going on a spring hunt. We were looking for signs of spring. The signs of spring included: blossom, bulbs shooting, daffodils, flower buds and bees. We also learnt about the weather in spring and the hours of sunlight.
In maths we learned to name and recognise 3D shapes, these included: cube, cuboid, pyramid, cone, cylinder and sphere. We also sorted 3D shapes and discussed how we had sorted the shape. For example: by colour, size, shapes, flat faces and curved face.
Herons loved our cooking session. We learnt how to prepare and cook pesto chicken and pasta. We learnt two chopping techniques, the claw and the bridge method. We also learnt how to crush the garlic and stir the food while cooking. Most importantly, we ALL loved tasting our cooking.
Dawud: 'It was really tasty!'
Ameera: 'I learnt to do the claw and bridge chopping.'
Mason: 'The pasta was really tasty.'
Arianna: 'I liked eating the chicken.'
Our D&T project was linked to our topics this term, The Amazing World of Animals. For the project we gathered information about animals in a zoo, designed a zoo, worked in small groups to make a 3D model of a zoo and then evaluated our zoos. All of Herons showed excellent teamwork while creating their 3D models.
During term four our focus for this term has been a geography and sciences focus. We will be learning all about our local area of Dartford. We will go for a walk to see what is in our local area, while also learning and identifying the different types of house we can see: flats, terrace house, semi-detached house and detached house. We will also be working on our map skill. First learning what a map is, then we will identify England on a map and as a class we found Dartford on a map of Kent. Our skill focus for this topic was map work. We will leant to add landmarks to a familiar map (Milestone Road) and use simple map symbols. Our English writing will be linked to Our Local Area: recount of our day at school, rewriting a story linked to Dartford and writing a information leaflet.
To start off our new topic 'Our Local Area' we went on a local area walk to become familiar with what is in our local area walk. We were able to identify familiar landmarks that we see on our walks to and from school. We also looked at the different building and house that are in our local area and discussed what type of house we live in.
This term our topic has been around our local area of Dartford. We looked at what is in our local area: shops, building, restaurants, types of houses, parks, library's. We have also looked at different maps and created our own maps and used simple map symbols. We were able to find Dartford on a map of Kent.
In maths we learnt to use a ruler and measure objects around the classroom. We also learnt to read and record measurement in cm.
This term in computing the focus was on programming a bee-bot. We explored how to program a bee-bot, created demonstration videos of how to use a video, program a bee-bot to reach a destination and identify and correct programming mistakes.
This term our TASC (Thinking Actively in a Social Context) D&T project was linked to playground. For our project we went through the process of gathering information, designing, making a 3D model and then evaluating our playgrounds. When making a 3D model we followed our designs while working in small groups to make the playgrounds.
During term three our focus for this term will be a history and science focus. We will be learning all about toys from over time and also looking at the different materials that the toys were made from. Our skill focus for this topic will be ordering toys on a timeline and comparing toys, looking for similarities and differences.
Our English writing will be linked to our Toys topic: instruction writing, rewriting a story linked to Dogger and writing a recount of our trip.
In science we learnt about the signs of winter. We then went outside looking for: bare branches, empty birds nests, people wearing hats and scarfs and our breath.
To start our toys topic we first explored the artefacts. We had to answer 3 questions:
1. Is the toy old or new?
2. What is the name of the toy?
3. How do you play with the toy?
Afterwards, we were able to move around the classroom and look at all of the artefacts.
Year 1 and Year 2 went to a fire safety workshop together that was run by a Fire Officer.
During the workshop the children learnt what to do if there clothes catch fire (stop, drop and roll), what number to call (999), what to shout if they see a fire (Fire! Fire!) and how often to check the smoke alarms (weekly). A few children were then able to try on the fire officers uniform.
In maths we have started our learning this week by practically matching British coins with numicon to get an understanding our the coins value. We also wrote and matched the coins value.
On Tuesday 31st January we went on our school trip to the Beaney Museum. We looked at old toys and learnt about what they were made of, played with old toys and made our own marble to take home. We had a lot of fun.
In computing this term our focus rockets. We used a computer to create a list of materials, design a rocket, sequence instructions and then follow our instructions to create a 3D model of a rocket. Herons loved creating their rockets. Some pupils even chose to take home materials to create their own rocket again at home.
In Herons we had a fun few days at the end of term 3, where we gathered information about what a puppets is, what different types of puppets there are and how we use puppets. We then designed our own pop-up puppets and evaluated our pop-up puppets.
During term two our learning will be based around our topic Crazy Climate. We will be learning about hot and cold climates and animals that live in those climates. Our English will also be linked to our topic. Our writing focus will be around: Autumn Poems, Snow Queen, My Friend Whale. We will write an Autumn Poem, character descriptions, sequenced the stories, looked at different types of characters (good/ evil), created our own characters and write an information text.
This term in computing our topic has been Algorithms unplugged. We have learnt:
One of the activities for anti-bully week was to come to school wearing odd socks. We also joined up with year 6 to work together to understand what bullying is and what we can do if we or someone we know is being bullied.
In maths we learn to name and identify the properties of 2D shapes. We also used 2D shapes to create repeated patterns and pictures.
This first half term our learning was based around All About Me. We enjoyed reading Giraffes Can’t Dance, Peace at Last, Aliens Love Underpants. We wrote character descriptions and sequenced stories. In science, we learnt about our body and senses. We can name and identify different body parts and link our senses to a body part.
We began by learning about all about ourselves and how to stay healthy. We explored our senses our senses and had lots of fun using our senses for different activities.
For art we created a natural collage out of materials we found on the playground. We used: leaves, twigs, berries and pinecones.
This term in computing we have been focusing on using the skills of; clicking and dragging objects, using a mouse to carefully position shapes, resizing images and using the mouse to draw.