Intent | Through our teaching and learning of writing, pupils develop the skills to become creative, individual and fluent writers with the ability to write clearly and coherently for a range of purposes and audiences across the curriculum and beyond. |
| A balance of spelling, editing, handwriting, grammar and punctuation skills are taught directly through daily English lessons. Pupils then apply their skills through motivating and creative writing tasks covering a wide range of genres over the year/school. Writing tasks are frequently linked to cross curricular topics and texts to ensure pupils can apply their skills in a range of contexts. Good examples are shared with children and modelling displays high expectations. Magpie walls are used regularly to support children with developing a range of ambitious and interesting vocabulary to use in their writing linked to their reading. Children are inspired to write through the use of a range of media to engage all learners. Pupils are encouraged to express their individuality through their writing and given opportunities to present their writing to others. Handwriting is taught from Reception using a pre-cursive style, joining letters from Year 1. Pupils have regular opportunities to practise handwriting skills throughout the week to develop a clear, fluent style. |
Handwriting is taught from Reception using a pre-cursive style, joining letters from Year 1. It is taught on a daily basis throughout EYFS and KS1. In KS2, Pupils have regular opportunities to practise handwriting skills (often linked to their weekly spelling pattern) throughout the week to develop a clear, fluent style. When needed, handwriting interventions are used to support pupils. To support our teaching of handwriting we use letter join. This online programme can be accessed in school and at home. Your child's log in will be included on their online learning log in cards in their home learning log.
Throughout EYFS and Year 1, spelling is taught through a systematic, synthetic phonics approach following the long term planning on Phonics Play, where common exception words are introduced on a weekly basis.
All spelling sessions are taught focussing around the spelling rule and look at patterns, exceptions. Spelling sessions give children the opportunity to revisit and link new spelling rules to previous knowledge and teach new rules. A range of strategies are used including dictation. In Year 2 children learn the Year 2 spelling rules. These are frequently revisited and displayed in the classroom. They are also introduced to reading the Year 2 common exception words. Regular formative and summative assessment takes place for the reading and writing of the common exception words.
In KS2, children are taught their year group’s spelling patterns. Spellodrome is used for the long term planning of spelling across KS2 and the children can access their weekly spellings at home and during guided reading. Spelling is taught during 3 15 minute discrete spelling sessions a week and the spelling lists are sent home for children to practice for a weekly test on a Friday. During the year, spelling is assessed 3 times formally but on an ongoing basis through writing and weekly spelling tests.
For further information on the spellings your child is taught over the year please refer to the documents below:
Please refer to the document below which outlines additional spelling strategies used from Year 2 to support children learning their spellings.
Grammar is taught on a weekly basis linked to the class writing genres – this gives children the opportunity to apply their skills in their independent writing. It is assessed as a part of SPAG twice formally over each school year. At times grammar is taught discretely when needed.
SPAG home learning will be set to support the children's in class learning, this may be in the form of Your child's log in will be available in the front of their home learning log from Year 3 to Year 6.
Writing Genres
Across the school the children develop their understanding of a broad and balanced range of genres of writing. The majority of our writing has strong cross-curricular links to ensure the children have many opportunities to practice their written language. For more information about the genres taught in the different year groups please refer to our overview below.
Editing and Improving
At The Gateway, from the early years our pupils are encouraged to read their work aloud to an adult and with support will improve their writing e.g. the use of capital letters or adding in a missed word.
In KS1, the children develop their understanding of what 'editing' is and why we as writers need to develop this skill to improve our ideas. By the end of Year 2, the children begin to develop peer editing skills and are introduced to the idea of making additions and revisions to their writing.
In KS2, the children develop their editing and improving and are given targeted checklists to improve their written work linked to their writing targets in the front of their English books. We encourage the children be reflective when looking at their work and identify how they can improve their initial work.