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Primary Academy

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School Uniform

Our school colours are royal blue and grey and we expect every child to wear full school uniform. We have ensured that our school uniform provider offers the best quality at the most competitive price. School sweatshirts and polo shirts embroidered with the school logo as well as P.E. t-shirts and book bags printed with the school logo are purchased through the school office. Fleece jackets embroidered with the school logo for outdoor play are also available.


If your child is entitled to free school meals then please contact the school office before placing your order. We also hold a small amount of second hand uniform which can be purchased through the school office. 


The School Uniform:

Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress (no jogging bottoms please).

White polo shirt, royal blue sweatshirt, black school shoes (no trainers or boots). 

Royal blue checked dresses can be worn in summer.


P.E. Kit:

White P.E. t-shirt with the school logo, navy/black shorts or jogging bottoms, black plimsolls or trainers. 


School Book Bag:

Available from the school office.


School Water Bottles:

Small bottles for Reception, Y1 & 2 children and large bottles for Y3-6 children are also available from the office.


We will meet the need for specific items of clothing to be worn by pupils for religious or cultural reasons following discussion with the headteacher.


Please make sure items of school uniform are clearly named!

