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Welcome to Herons page. We hope you enjoy looking at our learning!


Please remember our home learning is always due in every other Thursday and will be sent back out the next day. For more information on home learning please visit our school home learning section under the children tab at the top. 


The children change their books on a daily basis. Please ensure they bring a water bottle into school for fruit and drinks time after play time. Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday - please ensure your child is dressed in their PE kit with their school jumper on our PE day. 


Thank you! 

Summer at the Seaside


This term our topic has a geography, history and science focus. We will be looking at the different animals that live at the seaside. We will be comparing the similarity and differences of the seaside from the past compared to today. We will also be using geographical vocabulary to describe the physical features of the seaside. 


Our English writing will be linked to our topic: writing stories, letters, factual texts and character descriptions.

Our story books for this term:

Amazing World of Animals


During term five our focus for this term will be a geography and science focus. We will be learning all about animals from all around the world. We will be locating where animals come from on a world map, identifying if they live in a hot or cold climate and sorting animals in to their animal groups (bird, fish, mammal, reptile and amphibians). 

Our English writing will be linked to our topic: writing animal riddles, character descriptions, stories, letters and a poem. Our art and D&T for this term will also be linked to our topic, we will be creating animal sunset silhouette paintings and a 3D model of a zoo.

Roots to Food


Herons loved our cooking session. We learnt how to prepare and cook Singapore Noodles. We learnt two chopping techniques, the claw and the bridge method. We also learnt how to crush the garlic and stir the food while cooking. Most importantly, we ALL loved tasting our cooking. 

Our Local Area


This term our topic has been around our local area of Dartford. We looked at what is in our local area: shops, building, restaurants, types of houses, parks, library's. We have also looked at different maps and created our own maps and used simple map symbols. We were able to find Dartford on a map of Kent. 

Local Area Walk


This term our learning has been about our local area, Dartford. At the start of our topic we went on a walk around our local area. We saw different houses, where some of us live, different restaurants and more. We had a lot of fun!

Our Local Area


This term our topic has been around our local area of Dartford. We looked at what is in our local area: shops, building, restaurants, types of houses, parks, library's. We have also looked at different maps and created our own maps and used simple map symbols. We were able to find Dartford on a map of Kent. 

Measuring using a ruler


In maths we learnt to use a ruler and measure objects around the classroom. We also learnt to read and record measurement in cm.



This term in computing the focus was on programming a bee-bot. We explored how to program a bee-bot, created demonstration videos of how to use a video, program a bee-bot to reach a destination and identify and correct programming mistakes.

The Magic Playground


This term our TASC (Thinking Actively in a Social Context) D&T project was linked to playground. For our project we went through the process of gathering information, designing, making a 3D model and then evaluating our playgrounds. When making a 3D model we followed our designs while working in small groups to make the playgrounds.

Terrific Toys


During term three our focus for this term will be a history and science focus. We will be learning all about toys from over time and also looking at the different materials that the toys were made from. Our skill focus for this topic will be ordering toys on a timeline and comparing toys, looking for similarities and differences.

Our English writing will be linked to our Toys topic: instruction writing, rewriting a story linked to Dogger and writing a recount of our trip.



This Term our focus was using technology to create list, use graphic editing software to design a rocket and follow a set of instruction. We thoroughly enjoyed following a set of instructions to make a rocket.



This term in maths we learnt to tell the time to o'clock and half past the hour. We also strengthened our knowledge of place value of numbers to 50 and we learnt to identify the British coins and make different amounts.

TASC- Pop-up Puppets


In Herons we had a fun few days at the end of term 3, where we gathered information about what a puppets is, what different types of puppets there are and how we use puppets. We then designed our own pop-up puppets and evaluated our pop-up puppets.

Crazy Climates


During term two our learning will be based around our topic Crazy Climate. We will be learning about hot and cold climates and animals that live in those climates. Our English will also be linked to our topic. Our writing focus will be around: Autumn Poems, Snow Queen, My Friend Whale. We will write an Autumn Poem, character descriptions, sequenced the stories, looked at different types of characters (good/ evil), created our own characters and write an information text.

Anti-bullying Week


For anti-bullying week Herons has the focus of teamwork. We looked at clips of how characters in Finding Nemo, Lion King and Winnie the Pooh showed teamwork. We also discuss what teamwork is and how we show teamwork.

We teamed up with the Swans class and completed different activities showing great teamwork.

Crazy Climates


This term for our topic it has been a Geography focus. We looked at hot and cold climates and and the animals that lived in the different climates. We learnt some facts about a walrus that lives in a cold climate and a camel that lives in a hot climate. We also create a 3D sculpture of a penguin and discussed some facts about a penguin. Penguins can live both hot and cold climates. We also named and identified the oceans and continents on a world map.

Ourselves and Our Pets


This first half term our learning was based around All About Me. We enjoyed reading Giraffes Can’t Dance, Peace at Last, Aliens Love Underpants. We wrote character descriptions and sequenced stories. In science, we learnt about our body and senses. We can name and identify different body parts and link our senses to a body part.

We began by learning about all about ourselves and how to stay healthy. We explored our senses our senses and had lots of fun using our senses for different activities.



In science we have been learning about our senses. For taste we completed an experiment where we got to taste 3 different things (honey, popcorn and lemon) and decide if they were sweet, sour or salty.



We have been learning about the season and how each season is different. We went out in to the playground to look for the signs of autumn.


We were looking for:

  • Colourful leaves
  • Conkers/ horse chestnuts 
  • Pinecones
  • Trees with less leaves in them

Natural Collage's


As part of our topic we looked at the signs of autumn. Then we used some of the natural materials found in autumn to create natural collages. We loved creating these collages.



This term in computing our focus has been on knowing how to log in and navigate around a computer, developing mouse skills, learning how to drag, drop, click and control a cursor to create works of art inspired by Kandinsky and self-portraits.
