The Recovery / Returning Curriculum / Blended Learning
As some children begin returning to school, we felt it was important for you to be aware of the approach that we are taking as a school.
With that in mind, we have provided a summary below of both our approach and the thinking behind it.
We have separated our post Covid - 19 curriculum into the 'Recovery' and 'Returning' curriculum.
The Returning curriculum focusses on the academic needs of the pupils which have been identified by the staff through analysing information they gathered during lockdown.
Blended Learning
Blended learning is an approach that combines home and school learning but also online learning materials with an element of teacher led learning. Children have the opportunity to take control of their learning and decide what pace they learn at and when they learn best. This method of learning draws upon the approaches of BLP which the children learn in school. For example: managing your distractions, meta cognition, perseverance, making links and interdependence.
The Gateway Blended Learning
A Phased Approach
Updated: September 2020
During the Covid 19 pandemic there will be occasions where, through diagnosis, family/home association or contact tracing, pupils may have to isolate and remain at home. In rarer cases this may be because a school bubble has encountered an outbreak and a whole class may be asked to isolate.
In the event of individuals or groups of children requiring educational support at home whilst self-isolating The Gateway will put into action the following plan.
Phase One: An individual is self- isolating – A homework pack is sent home and online learning resources are identified.
Phase Two: Groups of children are self-isolating - A homework pack is sent home and online learning resources are identified to support the learning that is occurring in the classroom.
Phase Three: Whole class self-isolating / school lock down – Google Classroom is implemented from day 1 and resources / activities are uploaded to provide continuous learning and adapted as needed to match the current year group curriculum.
Whole Class |
Single Pupils or Small Groups |
Day 1 |
Pupils will undertake activities uploaded onto Google Classroom
Parents will be handed or a pack will be delivered to them at home which they can complete until they return to school. |
Day 2-14
(max. 10 school days in total) |
Pupils will be directed towards elements of the Oak Academy Oak Academy / BBC bitesize / NCETM that are most suitable for them to follow. The class teacher will identify which units are the best fit during the first day of isolation.
Teachers will continue to direct pupils towards appropriate Oak units throughout the duration of isolation.
Where pupils do not have access to online resources teachers will identify the linked resources from Oak and school will print these and make them available for pick up. In some cases it may be necessary to deliver resources to the home. |
Pupils will be asked to continue to complete their pack and additional online learning tasks will be set using a range of platforms for example Education City, Spellodrome, and Timetables Rock Stars.
In addition pupils will also be directed towards teacher lead input on various websites e.g. Oak Academy / BBC bitesize / NCETM that are most relevant for them as individuals.
Teachers may upload or print work, where appropriate, that is directly linked to the work that is being undertaken by the remainder of the class. This should not constitute unnecessary additional workload. |
Communication |
Teachers may coordinate communication via telephone or Zoom in order to maintain a feeling part of a group and encourage positive peer to peer discussions. |
Communication will be predominantly by phone. Where families have access to email, Zoom teachers may consider alternative strategies for keeping in touch. This will be conducted in line with the Zoom parental agreement. |
Check ins, marking and feedback |
Check ins will be undertaken via the telephone and via communication on Google Classroom.
Marking and feedback will likely be part of responding to general misconceptions and communicated via Google Classroom or through personalised virtual meetings. Where one to one feedback is needed it should normally be part of a check in. |
Check ins will be undertaken via the telephone or Zoom. Those children deemed vulnerable will be contacted at least once a week by DSL or senior leader.
Marking and feedback should form part of the discussion during check ins. |