The Gateway Primary Academy
Governor’s Newsletter, January 2024
Welcome to the first Governor’s Newsletter of The Gateway Primary Academy for 2024.
The life of a school moves so quickly and there are always exciting events and challenges to look forward to. It seems like only last term that the school achieved a ‘good’ judgement at our last Ofsted inspection (June 22). Staff have continued to build on the good work they do and The Gateway remains the successful, happy community it is today. The continued hard work of the staff doesn’t go unnoticed and I would like to pass on our thanks and appreciation for all the hard work and dedication by Mr Cassem, Miss Warner and all the staff team. They work extraordinarily hard to ensure the children are taught a high quality, broad and balanced curriculum in an environment where pupils’ wellbeing and personal development remains central.
There have been some significant staff changes over the course of this year; while it is always sad to see valued members of the team move on, we are looking forward to seeing the impact that new staff will have on the school, hopefully for some time to come.
We would also like to thank parents for their continued support to the school and the children throughout this academic year.
The Board of Governors
The Board of Governors has three overarching responsibilities:
In discharging these responsibilities we ensure that the educational and developmental needs of every pupil are met in full and that our children are provided with an outstanding primary-level education that gives them the best possible start in life.
The Governing Body meets on a termly basis and we have a programme of visits to the school, linked to the school improvement plan, which include lesson visits, meetings with subject leaders and talking with children to discuss their learning and their experience of the school. It has been exciting to see the children’s progress and listen to them speak so passionately about what they have been learning throughout this year and gather feedback from them on their time at school.
Over the last year we have welcomed some new members to the Governing Body – Mrs Harman and Mr Nyandoro both bring significant expertise and experience from their areas of work which are already making a contribution to our role as Governors.
You can find further information about the roles and responsibilities of our Governing Body, including pen pictures on the school website. Personally, this is my last involvement as a Governor at The Gateway. I have been involved with the school in one way or another for a long time, this most recent stint as a Governor for 6 years. The Gateway is a very special place, and it has been a privilege to be part of the journey in some small way.
Mr Leveson
Chair Of Governors