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Assessment in KS1

Assessments in KS1

Throughout KS1, the majority of assessment we complete is teacher assessment and in Year 1 we do not complete any formal testing. At the end of Year 2, the children will complete the national Statutory Assessment Tests (for more information see below). 


Assessing Phonics

Following on from our EYFS, the children's phonics knowledge continues to be carefully tracked throughout Year 1. They complete termly assessments with their class teachers one to one and after Christmas begin to complete practice phonics screening checks. These assessments inform intervention groups and help us target where the children need additional support. At the end of Year 1, the children complete the national phonics screening check. The test is usually completed in the first week of June. In your child's report you will receive your child's result. 

This check comprises of 40 words - 20 real words and 20 nonsense words. Your child will complete this test one to one with their teacher at their own pace but it takes roughly 10 minutes per child. To support your child with this 'check' please complete the phonics activities set by your child's class teacher.


If at the end of Year 1, your child does not meet the expected standard additional support will be put in place in Year 2 and your child will recomplete the check at the end of the year. 


Assessing Writing/Reading/Maths

In Year 1, the children's attainment is tracked throughout the year through teacher assessment against the National Curriculum. Your child's teacher will use our school writing target cards to track their progress and guide next steps. These steps will be shared with you at parents evenings. Their reading is assessed through the use of our book bands and our book band assessment criteria. Their progress through the book bands is tracked by our English co-ordinator. Maths is teacher assessed throughout the year.


In Year 2, the children complete the 'Statutory Assessment Tests' in reading, maths and SPAG. This informs our teacher assessments. They are completed in May and your child's results will be shared with you in their report. Please ask your child's class teacher if you have any questions about the Year 2 SATs. 

