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Religious Education



Our RE curriculum enables children to develop their own identity, their sense of belonging and connection to the global community. Pupils develop their knowledge and understanding of the world’s faiths and beliefs, make relevant links to their own experiences and reflect on their own personal beliefs, traditions and values.




Our RE curriculum is delivered using the Discovery RE scheme of work. Pupils study the main world religions; Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and Hinduism. The scheme of work focuses on learning about religion and learning from religion. It promotes a thought provoking and an enquiry-based approach to RE. Lessons take the form of discussions and debates, reflection and recording of knowledge, thoughts and views. Pupils learn how to be global citizens through religious stories. They also acquire knowledge of special places, practices, festivals and the role of key figures.

Legal Requirements for RE teaching

Under the terms of their funding agreement with the Secretary of State for education, all academies must provide an RE curriculum for all their pupils, except for those whose parents exercise the right to withdraw - see information above. 


As an academy without a designated religious character, we follow 'Discovery RE Scheme of Work' which reflects that 'the religious traditions in Great Britain are, in the main, Christian whilst taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain' in line with 'The Education Act (1996)' and 'The School Standards and Framework Act 1998'. 

Why did we choose the Discovery RE scheme of work?


We use the Discovery R.E. scheme of work to deliver our R.E. Curriculum because it:

  • Provides a safe enquiry space
  • Is child-centred
  • Is challenging through asking thought provoking questions
  • Enhances critical thinking, growth mindset and evaluation skills
  • Supports spiritual development
  • Equips children for a world of diversity through learning about and from religions and worldviews in local, national and global contexts
  • Teaches children to evaluate the value of wisdom from different sources, to develop and express their insights in response, and to agree or disagree respectfully. 
  • Strongly promotes SMSC development and understanding of the British Values alongside our use of the Jigsaw Scheme of Work for PSHE


Alongside this, Discovery RE is structured to provide systematic knowledge and understanding of a range of religions, enabling our pupils to development their ideas, values and identities. It also provides opportunities for the application of this understanding to their lives within and beyond school.


Cultural capital is at the heart of Discovery RE lessons and the sessions within this scheme support our pupils in understanding and navigating a rapidly changing 21st Century World. Citizenship, at school, community, national and global levels are integral to its lessons. 


Also Discovery RE allows our pupils to explore the similarities between different faiths as well as understanding and appreciating the differences. This helps our pupils to develop their respect for the beliefs of others and their own. 


An overview of our R.E. curriculum can be found here:
