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Herons - Year 1

Welcome to Herons! We hope you enjoy looking at our learning on this page!

Please remember our home learning is always due in every other Thursday and will be sent back out the next day. For more information on home learning please visit our school home learning section under the children tab at the top. 


The children change their books on a daily basis. Please ensure they bring a water bottle into school for fruit and drinks time after play time. Please ensure your child is dressed in their PE kit with their school jumper on our PE day. 


Thank you! 

Ourselves and Our Pets


This first half term our learning was based around All About Me. We enjoyed reading Giraffes Can’t Dance, Whatever Next and Aliens Love Underpants. We wrote character descriptions and sequenced stories. In science, we learnt about our body and senses.

We began by learning about all about ourselves and how to stay healthy. We then learnt about our pets. We explored our senses our senses and had lots of fun using our senses for lots of different activities. We learnt all about how to look after a pet and what a pet needs. We made non-fiction books about different pets and how to look after them. 



Giraffes Can’t Dance


When reading and learning about Giraffes Can’t Dance, we practised sequencing the events in the story through role play.



In science while learning about our sense, we took part in a tasting experiment. We tried lemon for sour, honey for sweet and popcorn for salty.

We also took part in a sound experiment. We listen to different instrument and compared loud and quiet sounds.

For touch and sight we went on to the school field and collected different items. We discussed what we could see, what they were and what the items felt like.

Whatever Next!


We read the story of ‘Whatever Next! We created our own rockets which we would use to take us on an adventure somewhere special.

Crazy Climates


During term two our learning was based around our topic Crazy Climate. Our English focus was based around the stories: Snow Queen, Tyrannosaurus Drip, My Friend Whale and Leaf Man. We wrote character descriptions, sequenced the stories, looked at different types of characters (good/ evil), created our own characters and wrote a information text.

Throughout this topic, we learnt about hot and cold places around the world. We have looked at some of the hottest and coldest places on the Earth and have taken a closer look at the Artic, Antarctica and the Sahara Desert. We have looked at how animals who live in these places have adapted (changed over time) to be able to survive such hot and cold environments. We worked hard to draw a range of animals, for example camels. We made sure they had four legs, big feet so they don’t sink into the sand, long eyelashes to stop sand from getting in their eyes and a big hump of fat to keep them going when they get tired and there is no food around.


We have also been looking at a world map and locating the seven continents and five oceans. We have coloured in each continent on our own world map and labelled the five oceans. Some of us have persevered a great deal to try complete a jigsaw of the world too. We have learnt two very catchy songs to help us with the names of the continents and oceans.



As part of learning about Autumn we read a lovely book called Leaf Man. We all went outside to see if we could find Leaf Man hiding amongst the leaves. We had great fun using the leaves, berries and sticks we found outside to create our own Leaf Men. 


Nature Collages


After reading our story Leaf Man we created more art work. We created nature collages using all natural materials linked to our autumn topic. We enjoyed working together and creating different pictures.


Celebrating Differences


For our theme week of Celebrating Difference, Herons class focused their learning around the story of 'Tyrannosaurus Drip'. We celebrated the differences we have with other children in our class and created a pair of odd socks. We also describe how the character in the story was feeling and how we would feel in similar situations. We then decided what type of dinosaur we would be and why. For example; I am a brachiosaurus because I am a calm and kind person.

Terrific Toys


This half term has been a history focus looking at toys from the past. We have enjoyed looking at different artefacts of old toys from the past. We compared the similarities and difference of the toys from the past to toys today.



This term our writing was based around the story of Pinocchio. We first sequenced the events in the story and used puppets to role play the retelling of the story. Next we planned our own story, we created our own characters and setting. Then we wrote our own stories similar to the story of Pinocchio and shared them with the class. 

TASC- Phenomenal Puppets


This half term our TASC project was DT focused. We gathered information, designed a pop- up puppet, created a pop-up puppet and the finally evaluated our pop-up puppets.

Our Local Area


During term four our focus for this term has been a geography focus. We have learnt to identify England on a map and as a class we found Dartford on a map of Kent. Our skill focus for this topic was map work. We have learnt to add landmarks to a familiar map (Milestone Road) and we have learn to identify and use simple map symbols.


Book Week


The theme for this year’s world book week is ‘Become a Story Teller’. As a school we have chosen to look at Quentin Blake’s ‘The Green Ship’. Over the week, for our topic and English work we covered a variety of activities from: role play, story map, 3D models, writing our own stories. We all thoroughly enjoyed book week this year and produced some wonderful work!

TASC- The Magic Playground


Herons class were given the task of designing and creating their own dream playground. First we discuss different equipment that could be found in a playground. We then looked at a variety of different playgrounds. Then everyone designed and made their dream playground. We had a lot of fun doing this! We hope you like our playgrounds that we worked hard to complete. 

3D Shapes


In maths this week we have been learning to name and identify different 3D shapes. We went on a shape hunt to see what different 3D shapes we could identify in the playground. Then in the class we created 3D castles using different shapes and named the shapes that we used. Then we were sorting 3D shapes into different groups, we discussed how we would group the shapes.

The Amazing World of Animals


For term 5 our topic is going to have a geography and science focus. We will be looking at different animals from around the world. We will also be learning about the different animals groups and diets of different animals.


In our English lessons throughout the term we will be focusing our writing around animal focus books. We will be describing characters and different scenes, writing letters, poems, riddles and a non-fiction text link to the different animals we have learnt about.

