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Welcome to Year 6 Eagles Class 2023-2024!  We hope you enjoy taking a peek at some of our learning this term.

Term 1

Eagles in The Snow

In English, we have researched and compiled fact files on various birds; created our own poetry based on Lord Alfred Tennyson’s The Eagle; written setting descriptions based on Michael Morpurgo’s The Eagle in The Snow and created prequels to this too.  We have also worked on writing formal letters.

Harvest Performance

Eagles Class also collaborated on creating a class poem for our Harvest Assembly.  We loved learning this by heart, devising actions to enhance our presentation skills and performing it to our audiences.  

Place Value

In Maths, we have been working on Place Value up to 10,000,000 and on all four calculations.  We have learnt to apply these skills to various problem-solving and reasoning tasks.  Learning how to carry out the formal method of long division was particularly challenging, but all Eagles worked extremely hard at this.

Electricity Games!

In Science, we have been learning about Electricity!  We worked on revising our knowledge of circuits and enjoyed learning new vocabulary as well as new symbols in order to record scientific diagrams of circuits.  We discovered how voltage affects the brightness of a bulb and the volume of a buzzer and we designed products to deter Burglar Bill from going about his business.  This topic enabled us to work on our D&T project on designing and producing an electronic game for young children.  This was a great opportunity for us to use and demonstrate our skills in TASC.  Some of us were amazing at gathering, organising and generating ideas; others were efficient in making decisions, implementing and communicating and we all worked very well at evaluating and learning from this group task experience.  We wrote persuasive letters to The Entertainer at Bluewater about our projects and received an encouraging reply!

Hockey players, gymnasts and musicians...

In P.E, we have learnt to play hockey and demonstrated great resilience and skills in this.  We have also been working at synchronisation, mirroring and contrasting balances and sequences in gymnastics using apparatus.  In Music lessons, we have been working on a ‘Happy’ unit of work and using our school instruments really has encouraged us to feel a sense of great happiness!

Eagles have had a great start to Year 6!  Please do remember to read regularly and bring in your Reading Records on Fridays.  Check Google Classroom for Home Learning and Spelling Lists. 

Best wishes,

Mrs Jandusmiley 

Term 2

This has been a particularly fast-paced term - full of energy and determination!


Natural History Museum

In Science, we have worked on our knowledge and skills in Biology: Evolution and Inheritance.  It has been really interesting finding out about Charles Darwin, who lived in Kent, and his work on the variation between birds, which we investigated using sharp and blunt tools with a variety of seeds.  We were also fortunate enough to participate in an online workshop with The Natural History Museum.  A resident scientist along with his team walked us through several missions involving the evolution of sea and land based life.


The Second World War

During our Topic lessons, we have learnt about World War Two.  As well as key facts, we explored artefacts and evaluated their usefulness as historical evidence. Mrs Taylor from Kingfishers Class shared memories of her grandfather, who fought during the war as a very young man.  We were able to hold some of his belongings and felt a great sense of privilege in doing so.  Mrs Hatherly shared her grandmother’s photo album, which included photographs, cards and all sorts of primary sources of information from the 1940s. 

For our TASC activity this term, we worked on creating WW2 information posters; we were particularly efficient at organising, implementing and learning from this experience.  This learning was supported further through our visit to Kent Life.  Please read our school’s December Newsletter to hear more about this.

We have also worked on this unit of work in French lessons where we’ve learnt the names of the countries involved in the war, the languages spoken in these countries and the differences in lifestyle during the war between the city and countryside.  In Art, we have produced our own silhouette Blitz paintings by applying layering effects.  In D&T, we will be designing Anderson shelters. 

Kent Police - Internet Safety

In Computing, we have learnt about Bletchley Park and the emergence of coding machines during the war.  We have also continued learning about online safety.  We received a fun and informative visit on behalf of Kent Police (please read our December Newsletter for more information).  Listen to our podcasts!

The Gateway Primary School - Group 1.mp3

The Gateway Primary School - Group 2.mp3

The Gateway Primary School - Group 3.mp3

The Gateway Primary School - Group 4.mp3

The Gateway Primary School - Group 5.mp3

Jigsaw Lessons

In Jigsaw lessons, we have been ‘Celebrating Differences’.  It has been wonderful to hear how thoughtful Eagles Class are and how quick they are to notice one another’s strengths.  Through carefully planned lessons, we have been made aware of people who are less fortunate than ourselves; Eagles have shown great kindness and maturity in how they would interact with people who are different to themselves.  We also celebrated Odd Socks Day and discussed the importance of one of our school values: RESPECT.  Some great poems, mini-stories and explanations were recorded about this.


Christmas Festivities

Finally, this term has provided our school with a great opportunity to come together for Christmas!  We have learnt lines, songs and acted our hearts out!  In R.E, we have learnt about how Christmas is celebrated around the world.  Many fabulous festivities, including a traditional lunch, a disco, hat-making and card creating activities have taken place.

Eagles Class and all Year 6 Staff wish one another a wonderful Christmas, well-deserved break and a Happy New Year!

Best wishes,

Mrs Jandu smiley

Term 3


In Science, we have worked on our knowledge and skills in Physics: Light.  We have carried-out investigations to prove that light travels in straight lines; worked on exploring shadows; and have worked on the scientific skills required to draw and label diagrams, plot line graphs and use a data logger to measure light in lux.  We also researched the scientist Percy Shaw, who invented cats’ eyes and learnt the anatomy of the human and other animal eyes.

Letters from The Lighthouse


In English, we have been working on extended pieces of writing.  We have written character and setting descriptions, flashback stories, stories with a dilemma, historical fiction letters and a spy report.

Design and Technology

For our TASC activity this term, we have designed Anderson shelters surrounded by gardens.  This DT project complimented our work in Topic about The Second World War and enabled us to work on generating ideas, organising our work, implementing and evaluating our end prototypes. 

Dreams and Goals...

In Jigsaw lessons, we have been thinking about our Dreams and Goals.  We created personal targets for ourselves based on our strengths and weaknesses.  These lessons have also enabled us to think carefully about how best we can Build our Learning Power.  Eagles have worked extremely hard at:  Reflectiveness, Reciprocity, Resilience and Resourcefulness.

Best wishes for a lovely half-term,

Mrs Jandu J

Best wishes for a lovely half-term,

Mrs Jandu J

Term 4


In Topic this term, we have been discovering both ancient and modern-day Egypt.  It has been very interesting for us to consider the changes Egypt has experienced over time whilst retaining its amazing history. 

Below, are a sample of poems written about The River Nile.



Our Topic work on Egypt has influenced us in creating pieces of pyramid art.  We learnt how to sketch 3d drawings, demonstrating perspective by distinguishing between the background and foreground and used water-colour paints along with black markers to complete our art.  

World Book Day

Along with all the activities carried-out as a whole school community, Eagles Class participated in an online writing workshop.  It was great to be able to write freely based on an image of a magic library.  We also worked on a book titled: Women Who Saved The Planet and produced some word art and writing on this.


Art and DT

This term has been full of new skills; we learnt how to sew patterns and used these to create our Mothers' Day and Easter cards.

We also researched, designed, made and evaluated shadufs.

Eagles have worked extremely hard this term!  Keep-going over Easter and have lots of spring-time fun too!

Mrs Jandu smiley
